The Endless Possibilities of Satellite Imagery

With just a few clicks, transform any Sentinel 2 satellite image from 10m/pixel to 1m/pixel GSD. Not only that, you'll get 10 enhanced S2 spectral bands as output.

Empowering Innovative Agriculture Companies

The Endless Possibilities of Satellite Imagery

With just a few clicks, transform any Sentinel 2 satellite image from 10m/pixel to 1m/pixel GSD. Not only that, you'll get 10 enhanced S2 spectral bands as output.

Empowering Innovative Agriculture Companies

Fast Processing

Process requests of any size and receive your first enhanced satellite images in a matter of minutes.

Worldwide Coverage

Our system can enhance any image from S2 as well as any area of interest, even individual fields!

High Accuracy

With improved 1m/pixel resolution and 10 spectral bands, your images will be more accurate and detailed.

Deep Resolution Imagery Overview

The data is generated on demand and can be provided both retrospectively, starting from January 2018, as well as during current season. Currently, all images with cloud cover under 40% are processed, resulting in 10-40 scenes per year depending on location.

10x Deep Resolution

We downscaled the image resolution from 10 meters to a resolution of 1 meter per pixel.

500+ mln. Hectares

Imagery processed at 1 meter resolution multi-dates across 30+ different countries.

Any Size Images

Regular global coverage from 56° S to 84° N, including 5 years of historical archive.

API and Dashboard

We serve images via API or through dashboard so you can integrate it directly within your product.

Full Control of Data Delivery

The data from our Deep Resolution Imagery system will initially be served through DigiFarm’s client dashboard. Access through API endpoints will be available soon after for our clients to easily integrate it in their digital solutions.

Our latest accuracy report indicates an RMSE error of 0.011, which is roughly equivalent to 99% accuracy.

Two Order Types

We provide all possible S2 images for selected past period. You can convert all the settings into a subscription and receive new images too.

Cloud Coverage %

This value includes snow, defective pixels, low and high probability clouds, cloud shadows, data cover, etc.

Monthly Images

All S2 images within the criteria will be delivered, up to 6 images each month. Final monthly quantity will depend on S2 provider.

Delivery formats according to your request:

Delivery formats according to your request:

On Demand. Instant processing for small areas;

Standard (Analytic files). Async processing for large areas;

Standard. Async processing for large areas;

Pre-Rendered. Async processing for large areas in WMTS/WMS online server.

Deep Resolution Imagery plays a crucial role in modern agriculture by enabling data-driven decisions.

Land Use Planning

Analyzing land characteristics, such as soil types, topography, and water availability – crucial for planning the allocation of different crops, determining suitable areas for cultivation, and optimizing land use practices.

Pest and Disease Management

Farmers can detect early signs of pest infestations and disease outbreaks. This enables timely interventions, such as targeted pesticide application or disease control measures, reducing crop losses and ensuring healthier yields.

Precision Farming

Facilitate precision agriculture techniques, such as variable rate application of inputs, by providing detailed information about crop variability within a field leading to optimized resource utilization and cost savings.

Yield Prediction and Forecasting

Combined with machine learning algorithms, can be used to predict and forecast crop yields. Farmers can anticipate potential yield fluctuations, make informed marketing decisions, and optimize supply chain management.

Crop Monitoring

Monitor crop health, growth, and yield estimation. By analyzing the imagery data, farmers can identify areas of stress or disease, optimize irrigation and fertilizer application, and make informed decisions to maximize crop productivity.

Common Questions

What is the methodology used to super-resolve the S2 imagery?

It uses Sentinel 2 and an additional very high resolution source, while evaluating the coherence and rejecting any features from the secondary source that are not coherent with the primary source, thus helping to overcome the potential temporal and semantic incoherence between the two sources.

What's the minimum request area?

How often do you update the imagery?

How will Deep Resolution Imagery be priced?

What is the methodology used to super-resolve the S2 imagery?

It uses Sentinel 2 and an additional very high resolution source, while evaluating the coherence and rejecting any features from the secondary source that are not coherent with the primary source, thus helping to overcome the potential temporal and semantic incoherence between the two sources.

What's the minimum request area?

How often do you update the imagery?

How will Deep Resolution Imagery be priced?

What is the methodology used to super-resolve the S2 imagery?

It uses Sentinel 2 and an additional very high resolution source, while evaluating the coherence and rejecting any features from the secondary source that are not coherent with the primary source, thus helping to overcome the potential temporal and semantic incoherence between the two sources.

What's the minimum request area?

How often do you update the imagery?

How will Deep Resolution Imagery be priced?

Technical Partners That Believe In Us

First 1,000 hectares (10 for free

Our pricing is based on the data layer and the land area queried through the API. We provide different packages and options for your business. Check it now.

First 1,000 hectares (10 for free

Our pricing is based on the data layer and the land area queried through the API. We provide different packages and options for your business. Check it now.

First 1,000 hectares (10 for free

Our pricing is based on the data layer and the land area queried through the API. We provide different packages and options for your business. Check it now.