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May 2024

Client Dashboard

Upload geojson feature is now available

Upload geojson feature is now available
Upload geojson feature is now available
Deep Resolution Imagery V3

In this feature change user can upload their polygon or multipolygon (with one coordinate) geojson and it will create the DR and show them the polygon result only.

  • User can click on by Vector File AOI. There is an information button which user can use to see which type of geojson (polygon/multipolygon) is allowed to go ahead.

    a) User can copy the geojson format according to their need and can populate the coordinates.

    b) Once populated they can upload the geojson and can go ahead.

  • When the geojson is uploaded it will ask you to click on generate response. The new addition of the Generate response feature takes you to that bounding box or the location of geojson coordinate.

  • When clicked on create order after checking cloud coverage and providing project name, it will take you to the imagery list like before (bounding box case).

  • When the image is processed you can see the result and download it as well – Previously in case of bbox you can only get the whole rectangular image. Now when you upload a polygon you will get the enhanced DR image of the provided polygon only.

If you're a new customer - request an access to the dashboard through our Get Started form.

May 2024

Deep Resolution Imagery

The On demand Deep Resolution API service

The On demand Deep Resolution API service
The On demand Deep Resolution API service
Deep Resolution Imagery V3

The On demand Deep Resolution API provides programatic and scalable access to Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery through 10x resolution enhancement (1m/pixel) coupled with full flexibility, allowing you to access any area of interest globally, no matter how small, historically back to 2016 and get your data processed on demand in a matter of minutes.

This API process requests asynchronously and has a webhook service to serve the processed data. Read more about it in our online docs.

If you're a new customer - request an access to the dashboard through our Get Started form.

Feb 2024

Deep Resolution Imagery

Deep Resolution V3 is now available 

Deep Resolution V3 is now available 
Deep Resolution V3 is now available 
Deep Resolution Imagery V3

The S2DR3 model is specifically optimised to preserve subtle spectral variations of soil and vegetation across all 12 multi-spectral bands of Sentinel-2 L2A and is capable to accurately reconstructing objects and textures with individual spatial features.

It features significant improvements in spectral characteristics in agricultural use cases and also in an urban setting, which has not been the primary use-case of our model.

If you're a new customer - request an access to the dashboard through our Get Started form.

Jan 2024

Deep Resolution Imagery

Deep Resolution is now available on demand through DigiFarm Dashboard

Deep Resolution is now available on demand through DigiFarm Dashboard
Deep Resolution is now available on demand through DigiFarm Dashboard

This unique solution gives you access to weekly high resolution SatEO imagery for any area of interest around the globe, no matter how small, historically back to 2017. No tasking or long waiting times required.

  • Area of interests of any size via enterprise plan;

  • Two types of billing;

  • Live chat support.

If you're a new customer - request an access to the dashboard through our Get Started form.

Got Business Needs? We Can Help.

We are looking for strategic partners in the agriculture space to help them deliver better services and to gain more insight into their client base. Contact us we'd love to hear from you.

Got Business Needs? We Can Help.

We are looking for strategic partners in the agriculture space to help them deliver better services and to gain more insight into their client base. Contact us we'd love to hear from you.

Got Business Needs? We Can Help.

We are looking for strategic partners in the agriculture space to help them deliver better services and to gain more insight into their client base. Contact us we'd love to hear from you.